Gulf Insider: Transforming Education in the GCC and MENA

D3 Consultants based in Bahrain, and operating in GCC and MENA, has partnered up with The New Nordic School, based in Finland, to fortify their vision of transforming education in the GCC and MENA region. The partnership event was attended by Ms. Rima Al Kaissi, Managing Partner of D3 Consultants, Mr. Mohanned AlAnni, Managing Director and CEO at D3 Consultants, Pia Jormalainen, CEO and Co-Founder of New Nordic School, and Stephen Cox, Chief Education Officer of New Nordic School.

This partnership is geared to providing existing K-12 schools and early childhood kindergartens as well as new schools with the best practices of the Finnish educational system through the Nordic Baccalaureate curriculum, professional development, and improvement of quality standards of all services provided by schools. “This agreement strengthens the position of Bahrain in educational reforms and it shows how Bahrain is leading the effective academic development among GCC,” said Mohanned AlAnni, Managing Director and CEO at D3 Consultants.

Read the rest of the article here.


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